Category Archive PlaTea Young Theater

ByPlaudite Teatre

Dinghy, a refugee boat

A theatrical piece about the refugees’ drama interpreted by PlaTea, the Young Theatre Group of Plàudite Theatre Performing Arts School.

By means of the sound, the text and the corporal work of the interpreters, will witness the voyage that have to carry out a big number of refugees to reach Europe.
Inspired by the no-fiction documentary comic ”When I close my eyes, I remember” by Cristina Bueno, Red Cross Catalonia and Norma Publishing.

Interprets: Edu Caicedo, Aleix del Cid, Anna Perez, Julia Pons, Pol Solana, Lucia Torres, Mario Torres.
Play direction: Jordi Romero and Anna Babiano (Plàudite Theatre team)
Artistic Direction: Eugenia Delgado Mata (Plàudite Theatre Director)

In the Solidarity Week actions at L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain. 

Dinghy is an inflatable boat where the refugees arrive.

More information about the non-fiction comic at Red Cross Catalonia and Norma Publishing House 


• October 9th: 20h and 23h TV LH – Neighbours TV Program, min. 22-26
• October 20th: 19h Plàudite Teatre, Centre Cultural Santa Eulàlia, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
• October 26th: 9h and 11h Plàudite Teatre, Centre Cultural Santa Eulàlia, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
• October 26th: 15,15h and 16h Cultural Centre of Bellvitge L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
• October 29th: 19h Acollidora, Rambla of Just Oliveras, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
• November 17th: 17h Plàudite Teatre, Centre Cultural Santa Eulàlia, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.

November 23rd: 12h Red Cross Barcelona.





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