World Theatre Day 2022

ByPlaudite Teatre

World Theatre Day 2022

We celebrate World Theater Day 2022 with the students of our Performing Arts School.

They perform excerpts from this year’s message Peter Sellars, Opera and Theatre Director. Here you can find the full text.

Theater is a Culture of Peace and this has been commemorated for 60 years by the International Theatre Institute.

Since 1962, World Theater Day has been celebrated around the world on March 27th. This day is a celebration for those who can see the value and importance of the art form “theatre”, and acts as a wake-up call for governments, politicians and institutions that have not yet recognized its value for people and their potential for economic and social growth.

World Theatre Day 2022 Online Celebration:

We invited our friends from the ATO Theatre School to celebrate with us this event and create a video to share it in our respective networks to claim that the Theatre is Peace Culture. Here we leave their job:

About the author

Plaudite Teatre administrator

Plàudite Teatre - Arts Escèniques per a la transformació social. Desenvolupem 5 grans àrees: Creació escènica, Formació en Arts Escèniques, Teatre Comunitari i Social, Programació i Serveis Educatius. Des del 1998.

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