Plàudite Teatre-Espai d’Arts Escèniques whish you a Merry Christmast and a 2016 plenty of Theatre!

Global Day Of Discovery 2015

This year the Plàudite Teatre Company was invited to enliven the evening at the

Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel.

Every year the Renaissance Hotels celebrates an event to inspire clients and friends from around the world. In this occasion 160 hotels at 35 countries meet the same evening to celebrate the Fourth Annual Global Day Of Discovery.

It was really a wonderful time and a superb view!

CATACULTURAL: http://www.catacultural.com/renaissance-barcelona-fira-acoge-su-edicion-mas-artistica-y-vegetal-del-global-day-of-discovery

[:ca]Càpsules LH a l’Hotel Porta Fira[:es]Cápsulas LH en el Hotel Porta Fira

One more day we surprised you with the place chosen to carry out a new edition of Capsules LH: the Hotel Porta Fira of Plaza Europa, a luxury !!

The program of May 16, 2015 is really varied: flamenco and three theater’s proposals with an  in crescendo dose of humor. Among the audience some familiar faces of spectators and spectators who repeat experience, delighted with the proposals, all brand new for this third edition. Yes, the LH Capsules are already 3 years old !!!

Photograph: ©Maribel Pozo Ruiz, digital artist of Plàudite Teatre-Espai d’Arts Escèniques

Groteska Teatre
Direcció i Intèrprets: Andrea Martínez i Cristina Arenas
Sinopsi: Dues noies que no saben qui són ni què fan aquí, entren en curtcircuit amb preguntes sense resposta i respostes sense pregunta, perquè les acompanyis en un viatge hilarant, lúdic i grotesc, per la ment d’alguna dona indefinida que ha existit en algun moment i en algun lloc i que tots hem pogut arribar a conèixer.

Laboratori Teatral Patates amb Suc
Qui dia passa, any empeny
Director: Salva Soler
Actrius: Maite Guilera i Maria Antolín
Sinopsi: Una trobada. Dues amigues. Moltes preguntes. Respostes inesperades.

Yaiza Flamenc
Beauty Proof
Direcció: Iván Góngora
Ballarina: Yaiza Muros
Sinopsi: Beauty Proof (flamenc) neix d’un personatge, de Julieta, una dona plena de vida però tancada en la seva pròpia gàbia. Retirada de la cerca de la seva felicitat, de sobte, és arrossegada per un profund desig de sentir una carícia.

A Cara-perro
Urgències Històriques
Autor i Director: Santi Monreal
Intèrprets: Adrià Diaz i Pau Ferran
Sinopsi: Paco i Pepe, dos “ambulacieros”, malaltissos seguidors del Barça i del Madrid, reben la trucada d’un accident just minuts abans del Derby Barça- Madrid. TOT, absolutament tot és una barrera que els separa de asseure’s amb unes cerveses davant el televisor per veure el partit.


2-5 March – Hall 7 stand 7F03

Plàudite Teatre presents a performance recorded in video and specially conceived for Innjoo Company for the MWC15.

Plàudite Teatre is a contemporary performing arts company located at L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. With more than 15 years of national and international experience, several plays conceived for different events and spaces, this company has always a characteristic plasticity and contemporary poetry.

Innjoo is an enterprise devoted to smartphones, tablets, smart TVs and so on, based in Dubai and Granada (Spain).

A frame of the video that Plàudite Teatre has created for InnJoo Spain for the #MWC15

A frame of the video that Plàudite Teatre has created for InnJoo Spain for the #MWC15

A frame of the video that Plàudite Teatre has created for InnJoo Spain for the #MWC15

A frame of the video that Plàudite Teatre has created for InnJoo Spain for the #MWC15

A frame of the video that Plàudite Teatre has created for InnJoo Spain for the #MWC15

A frame of the video that Plàudite Teatre has created for InnJoo Spain for the #MWC15


TV L’H 03/03/2015

Digital LH 03/03/2015

La Vanguardia 23/02/2015