Global Day Of Discovery 2015

ByPlaudite Teatre

Global Day Of Discovery 2015

This year the Plàudite Teatre Company was invited to enliven the evening at the

Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel.

Every year the Renaissance Hotels celebrates an event to inspire clients and friends from around the world. In this occasion 160 hotels at 35 countries meet the same evening to celebrate the Fourth Annual Global Day Of Discovery.

It was really a wonderful time and a superb view!


About the author

Plaudite Teatre administrator

Plàudite Teatre - Arts Escèniques per a la transformació social. Desenvolupem 5 grans àrees: Creació escènica, Formació en Arts Escèniques, Teatre Comunitari i Social, Programació i Serveis Educatius. Des del 1998.

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