World Theatre Day 2019

ByPlaudite Teatre

World Theatre Day 2019

It’s been six years now that we celebrate the WTD at L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. Each year we find a theatrical and symbolic place to perform and read the WTD Manifesto. This year we celebrate also the centenary of the birth of Joan Brossa, Catalan visual artist and playwright.

At 18,30 pm we will depart from Plàudite Teatre – Performing Arts School, with a theatrical parade (students, families, friends, neighbors, and so on), all together accompanied with a musical band (New Orleans style called Xarangarin), until we reach the Joan Brossa’s “Visual Poem sculpture”. Then, we will read the Carlos Celdrán WTD 2019 Manifesto, and a few actors and actresses will performs a sort theatrical action. A couple or acrobats will jump between Joan Brossa’s sculpture letters to interact with his “Visual Poem” that plays with the letters of the Alphabet and the name of the city: Hospitalet. We finishing back to our Performing Arts Centre with a theatrical, acrobatic and musical parade. 

About the author

Plaudite Teatre administrator

Plàudite Teatre - Arts Escèniques per a la transformació social. Desenvolupem 5 grans àrees: Creació escènica, Formació en Arts Escèniques, Teatre Comunitari i Social, Programació i Serveis Educatius. Des del 1998.

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